How to Train Your Dragon Trailer!

Today Dreamworks released the trailer for our new film How to Train Your Dragon. I’ve been trying to stay away from watching too many shots and sequences from this film because everyone working on it is really enjoying it and I want to be surprised when I see the final piece.

That being said.. the trailer looks great!

Big congrats to Simon Otto and everyone else on the animation crew (and other departments too!).


4 Responses

  1. Omar says:

    Wow it looks fantastic!
    you guys are doing an awesome job 🙂

    hate to plug myself, but do you think you could check out some of my work? 😛

  2. Omar says:

    Oh forgot to ask, do you have any shots in the trailer?

  3. Dhar says:

    Amazing work Jason. Kudos.

  4. jason says:

    Thanks guys! but I didn’t work on it.. heh 🙂 I’m just plugin my co-worker’s work! I’ll pass on your kudos, tho!

    Omar, was just checking out your stuff.. looks like you’re having fun!

    Nice smear frames on the genie walk! one quick note for ya on that one.. the legs feel like they’re cycling well, but the arms aren’t working quite right.. at the end of the cycle they flop sides a bit!

    Don’t ya love yer tablet? I dig mine. 🙂

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