Downloads moved to the forum!

Howdy kids! Happy saturday!

I’ve upgraded the forum to now be using Vanilla Forums which I really like.. it’s fast, easy to use, and seems to suit my purposes quite nicely!


I’ve also been working behind the scenes a bit to simplify the site. You will be seeing some changes over the next few weeks.. hopefully it’ll make everything just easier to find and any issues people have will be easier to fix!


For some reason today I’m into typing a paragraph, then finish it with a single word exclamation. I’m not sure why. Must be because I’m hungry for lunch.


Anywhooo.. come check out the community forum! I’ve moved the downloads that were previously under a Downloads heading over to that thar community space.. enjoy it!

You can log in with Twitter, your google id, or just log in regularly. Fancy feast of awesomeness! 🙂


10 Responses

  1. Raveen says:

    Hey Jason,

    I seem to be having problems signing up on your forums. It keeps telling me I need a reCaptcha key, and when I click the link to get a key it sends me to a 404 error page.

    Is there something I’m missing?

  2. demonseye316 says:

    how do i log-in to view the downloads page?

  3. Jason schleifer says:

    Hey a! Just go to the community area, and if you sign up yo can download the files. 🙂

  4. Plamen says:

    Hello Jason,

    I’m writing you with a question about the js_createIkStretch.mel update.
    I’m trying to downloaded but when i’m trying to connect Vanilla server i had a problem with the certain error which appear : Fatal Error in Gdn_Database.Query(). I saw a chat conversation about a man with the same problem. It was from July. You have said that you would fix it. Please , let me know if you still trying to cope with it?
    Please let me know how can i get over that.


  5. Plamen says:

    Yes, I’ ve used Maya 2012.

    • jason says:

      Hmm.. I think this was fixed back in 2006.. but if you send me your email address, I’ll email you the update in case you still need it! 🙂

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