Trying to figure out new commenting system

So there’s this new commenting system we’re using called

I’m hoping that it’ll let me forgo the need for a true forum.. I’ve been having trouble keeping it up to date, as i just don’t have the time to really devote myself to a forum, but I do want people to be able to post questions & have them answered..

The cool thing about disqus is that it can handle threaded comments, and it’s possible to view everything as if it were a forum.. sort of.. just not sure exactly how it works.


time to investigate, I guess.



6 Responses

  1. Stephanie says:

    I hope I'm in the right place!

    This is Stephanie Schaffler, and we met at SIGGRAPH. I was one of the winners for the Animation Mentor thingy.

    Just wanted to make sure you got my heart felt thanks. And if you didn't…

    Thank you so much!

    P.S I like your blog!

  2. Jason says:

    Hiya stephanie!

    I DID get the email..thanks so much! it was great meeting you, and I'm so glad you were able to take part in all that was Animation Mentor related! 🙂

    I really hope you're able to go back to school and approach it in a way that won't allow those teachers to break your spirit! 🙂

    oh! and thanks for the kudos on the blog.. I'm still re-working this one actually.. my old blog is, but it's gotten so much spam & been attacked by phishers.. so I need to just clean house & put in something new.

    Anyway, take care!

  3. luckyLou says:

    Hey Jason. Nice shiny blog. I almost went with Drupal too but it almost has too many features. I tried using the disqus reply plugin. It slooowwwwed my whole site down. Hmmm. Maybe I did sometyhing wrong. I kept seeing 'waiting for disqus' in the corner.

    Anyway. I cant wait for Madagascar 2. Congrats!

  4. David Hunt says:

    Hello Jason!

    I am a long time fan of yours. I attended Animator Friendly Rigging at SIGGRAPH 2006 and it totally redefined my world.

    Now I'm preparing my own Masterclass for touring the Asia Pacific region representing our studio: Bungie, and the team that made Halo 3. In my talk I give major props to you and your amazing classes. Thanks for being a mentor and a hero to us character riggers/animators out there!

    Here's a link to my class:

    -David Hunt

  5. Jason says:

    thanks david! The class looks great!! Enjoy your tour! 🙂

  6. Dan says:

    Hey Jason – just got back from Madagascar 2 and wanted to say “Congratulations” on being listed in the color credits!

    Seriously, though…great work, congrats on all the success – it's well-deserved!

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