Chicken head ik!

This is crazy.. it may be something that only animators & riggers get, but check out this crazy chicken-head-ik action. I never knew that chickens worked this way.. I wonder if other birds do the same thing??

Check this out if you own a chicken!


6 Responses

  1. Ollie says:

    Haha, that is SOOO cool !! I´m gonna think “Oh look, an IK-chicken” in the future. But like you said, takes a 3d-dude to get it

  2. Andrew says:

    It is really neat. Pigeons are similar. I was filming a squirrel when a pigeon walked past camera. When I watched it frame by frame, the pigeons head was locked in world space as its body moved.

  3. cassidy says:

    Dude, I totally used this principle when I did that short about the pigeons back in ’95!

    I noticed the same thing about the way pigeons moved their heads (and yes, a lot of different birds can do this, especially long-necked ones like snowy egrets.) So when it came time to rig the character, I rigged the head entirely in IK with a spline-based neck. Saved me a heck of a lot of trouble!

  4. JP says:

    Hey Jason

    Just saw this at work ans I am currently animating Penguins. Really great to see….Penguins are not this extreme but great ref.

  5. Hey Jason, I’m a huge fan of your work since
    AFR series release ?

    I’ve just came across a bit late for your awesome blender talk now which inspired me a lot but unfortunately all links are down and I can’t access neither the “break ya neck” tutorial ? or “chicken contest” blender scene file ??

    I’d love to start learning blender and it would be super cool to see how did you rigged up not only the chicken neck but also the detachable wings..

    Could you please re-uploading a workable links? And maybe send me here one downloadable blender scene file so we might be able to dig it a bit more?

    oh btw cant access nimble collective, hows the project going?

    Thanks in advance.

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