Hoping to get more comments..

Howdy folks!

So I had some pretty strict commenting regulations when I started this new blog to try and reduce the amount of spam.. but I noticed that I haven’t been getting many comments at all.  So I’m easing up the restrictions a bit in the hopes that it’ll mean more people will comment.

If we get overrun by spam, then I’ll have to tighten it again to needing a login/password in order to comment.. but until then, hopefully we’ll get a few more people talking!

Of course, it could just be that I’m not posting anything worth commenting about.  🙂



16 Responses

  1. drewB says:

    Sync it up with Facebook so it goes in your status when you post something new. For some reason, I’m not having much luck with your RSS in Google Reader. Maybe it’s just me.

    • jason says:

      I got that working now I it does sync with facebook AND with twitter. 🙂
      What kind of problems are you getting with RSS? It’d be great to get that solved! 🙂

  2. drewB says:

    Don’t know what the dealio is, but it say’s your last update was Dec. 17th (“AnimationMentor.com Products”).

  3. drewB says:

    Yup. Manually refreshed and nothing.

  4. The Kiwis in Copes says:

    Hi Jase,
    We just wanted to say that we love your work and think you are awesome… Penn, AJ & Toby are also awesome!
    Lots of Love and Happy New Year – can’t believe it’s been 2 years since we were in San Fran with you guys.

    • jason says:

      miss you guys too, bernadette! we keep watching aurora’s 2 year video where there are shots of you, pete & jack and it’s like.. awww… 🙂

  5. bill(y) says:

    what do you use to update facebook with blog posts? is it a facebook app or something that wordpress allows you to do?

    i’ve tried practically every app out there and they all are lack luster.

  6. Josh says:

    Don’t know about others but up until you posted on your jonhandhisdog site I had no clue this blog existed. That and I usually feel I don’t have anything to add, I’ve been working as an animator for 3 years and feel like I’m only just beginning to understand how to make good animation.

  7. I’ve liked the content so far! Hopefully you won’t get spammed, but it happened to me when I hosted an usecurred blog and forum. Keeping up on removing all the spam can take a lot of time.

    I would have left comments before but I wasn’t sure how to become a member.

    By the way, I don’t think I thanked you before for letting me sit with you guys at dreamworks last year. Thanks! I enjoyed the conversations at the table.

    Also I get the advanced training videos you posted a while back. I’m sure they’ll be very helpful.

    Take care

    • jason says:

      Heya richard! I’m trying to make sure the forum is still secure.. & I’ve got other techniques that I’m hoping will keep the spam away. First hint it’s back & I’ll have to make it so people log in again. d’oh!

      glad you were able to sit with us last year, too! 🙂

      cheers man!

  8. jason says:

    Billy: I use a plugin that posts to my twitter site: bird feeder (http://andrewjaswa.com/bird-feeder/)

    then from facebook I installed the twitter application. Now, anytime I post on my blog it gets sent to twitter.. and whenever I tweet it gets sent to facebook.. thus, whever I blog it goes to twitter and then to facebook.

    crazy, eh? 🙂

  9. drewB says:

    Got it working now. I was subscribed to http://jasonschleifer.com/blog/feed/. Up and running now. All set. Thanks.

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