Nothing Can Stop The Ultimate Victory Of Oobermind Except Oobermind Himself – Oobermind

How fun!  Recently there was an image posted on AICN from the project I’ve been working on for a while.  It was announced last week as Oobermind, a film to be released on Nov 5, 2010.

Unfortunately I can’t comment much on the film, the image, or anything else really at this point except that it’s a blast to work on and I’m really enjoying my role as Head of Character Animation on the project.  We’ve got some great people on it, and Tom McGrath (the director) is hilarious and awesome to work with.  His enthusiasm for animation as an art form is very inspiring for me.

Anyway, I’ll periodically post what I can as we keep going on the project.. in this case, here’s a link that I found where people are discussing the plot and the show.  Like I said, I can’t say anything.. but love reading what people think. 🙂

io9 – Nothing Can Stop The Ultimate Victory Of Oobermind Except Oobermind Himself – Oobermind.



One Response

  1. César Sáez says:

    The idea behind Oobermind seems really cool! 🙂

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