Trying Todoist

Now that I’ve done a week of using GTDAgenda, I thought it would be good to try another web-based todo list and compare my experiences.   This week I’m using the AJAX-based todoist.

Right off the bat I am definitely liking the ability to quickly add tasks using the simple “a” hotkey.  You can also organically add contexts as you work by simply typing something like:

Email about the backpacking adventure @email

and it will quickly add the context for you.  Very handy!

You can also have nested projects, and you can color them to make it easier to tell them apart. Below, you can see my task list for the next 7 days.  Notice how clean it looks?  I love the nested projects, the clear color separation, the projects & contexts.  It’s just clean and easy to read.

todoist todo list

Now this doesn’t mean I don’t have any issues with how todoist works currently.  Firstly, switching a task between projects isn’t as easy as it could be.  Currently you have to click on a little down arrow, choose “move to another project” and then choose that project from a list.  It would be better if you could just drag it to the project.. after all, it’s listed right there on the left!

Also, you can’t do group edits yet, you have to edit things one at a time which is frustrating.

When entering a task, you have to click on the date field.  I wish I could just tab over to the date, or just enter “wednesday”.. but right now I have to click on the date field.

Of course the biggie.. there’s no mobile application for it yet.  Arrgh!


8 Responses

  1. Dave Vasquez says:

    Hey Jason! These are really informative posts on GTD and ToDoist. I’m actually planning on entering the iPhone arena this Friday with the 3GS. 🙂 I was hoping to find an app for a lot of similar uses so it’s great to get your first hand perspective. Thanks!

  2. Robbie says:

    Hey Jason,

    Did you hear about this new app for the iphone? Its called OmniFocus and it looks very similar to the GTD and ToDoist.
    Check out the video here:

    What you think?


  3. jason says:

    I’ve tried OmniFocus in the past, but am not able to try it again due to my license expiring. I suppose I can check it out again.

    I’m actually currently trying The Hit List by potionfactory.. I love the interface and interaction.. so easy to add contexts and projects and tags. Fantastic! No iPhone app yet.. but supposedly it’s coming.

  4. maria says:

    Can I transfer my entrtes from todo lite to todo? How?

  5. jason says:

    Great question! I’ve been doing all my transferring between various programs manually. it takes a while.. but allows me to do a quick review of the state of things while I’m doing it.

  6. Pascal says:

    There’s an iPhone App now :

  7. victormvs says:

    Hi! I’m starting to use Todoist. It’s good. And it’s better since I’ve looked at J2ME client supporting offline operation. Great!

  8. victormvs says:

    Sorry the J2ME client’s site is:

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