Both rigging DVDs now downloadable..

People have been asking, and I’ve finally gotten around to providing both my Fast Animation Rigs DVD and Integrating a Creature Rig within a Production Pipeline DVD as downloadable from

You can access them and other items in the store.

I’m often asked if these titles are still relevant in the industry today, and I have to say I still think they are. They’re obviously older techniques (they came out in 2001 and 2002), but many people consider them to be really great learning tools and I’ve had amazing feedback from them over the years.

I hope people find these useful!


7 Responses

  1. You mentioned you did these tutorials in ’01 and ’02 – so they’re not the same as the Animator Friendly Rigging DVDs that came out in ’07?

    • jason says:

      Hiya Sruli!

      Nope, those are different from the AFR DVDs. The two tutorials available on were from presentations I gave while I was working on the Lord of the Rings. The AFR DVDs were created after I had been working as an animator for 8 years or so & had lots to talk about making rigs that animators would like. 🙂

      • So lulu’s good, AFR’s better? I looked on the Autodesk site for those, and it looks like you have to buy them all separately. Is there anywhere I can get those bundled?

        • jason says:

          AFR is more recent, but the original ones are still good. I don’t think autodesk does a bundle.. it’s totally up to them, I don’t have any control over it. 🙁

  2. Snezana says:

    Hi Jason, I got your dvd’s and scripts with them, but somehow I can’t use them. I’m AM student working on maya 2009 student edition, is that a problem? Every time when I open maya it said :
    The shelf “AnimationFriendlyRigging” has items that cannot be read. The shelf will only display the items before the first unreadable item it finds…
    I tried to ask people on forums but nobody knows.
    I put scripts in every script folder I can find 🙂

    • kims says:

      maybe, in your shelf_AnimationFriendlyRigging.mel, at first line, Procedure name may be different with “shelf_AnimationFriendlyRigging”. check procedure name! if it is different, maya can’t find the file. and maya will say error like you.

  3. jason says:

    Heya snezana!
    hmm.. did you get the latest version of the scripts? autodesk should be able to give you the latest.


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