Rigging Bundle – Outline

A number of people have asked what specifially is covered in my two DVDsIntegrating a Creature Rig Withing a Production Pipeline and Fast Animation Rigs, so here ya go!

Integrating a Creature Rig Into a Production Pipeline

  1. Definition of a “Pipeline”
    1. Examples: Film, Modeling, Shot
    2. Determining how animation rig itself fits into the rest of the pipeline
    3. Animation-based transfer
    4. Control-based transfer
  2. Definition of a “creature”
    1. Creating a node to represent the “creature”
    2. Defining Types of nodes
  3. Orienting Joints
    1. Manually Re-orienting joints
    2. Automatic re-ordering
  4. Animation Control Concepts
    1. Iconic Representation
    2. Limiting Selection and keyability
    3. Rotation Order
    4. Extra Gimbal Control
    5. Customized PickWalking
  5. Automatic vs Manual Shoulder Control
    1. History of the discussion
    2. Constraint based control
    3. SetDrivenKey based control
  6. Creating a “realistic” forearm
    1. Radius and Ulna
    2. Creating the Control Structure
  7. FK/IK Back Control
    1. History
    2. Creating the spline IK
    3. Adding Stretching
    4. Creating the IK Control Structure
    5. Adding FK
    6. Adding Twist
    7. Adding Stretch Warning
  8. Procedural Animation Rigs
    1. What is a procedural rig?
    2. Creating the rig
    3. Updating the rig
  9. Included MEL Scripts
    1. endName.mel
    2. jsChannelCtrl.mel
    3. jsConstObj.mel
    4. jsCreateCreature.mel
    5. jsDefineCreature.mel
    6. jsGetShape.mel
    7. jsListCreatures.mel
    8. jsMovIn.mel
    9. jsMovOut.mel
    10. jsOrientJointUI.mel
    11. jsPickWalk.mel
    12. jsRenameWindow.mel
    13. jsRotateOrder.mel
    14. jsScaleJointsByCurve.mel
    15. jsUnlockTransforms.mel

Fast Animation Rigs – Bridging the Gap between Speed and Functionality

  1. Fast Animation Rigs
    1. Global Concepts
      1. Display Layers
      2. Easily identifiable Controls
      3. Appropriate Rotation Orders
      4. Tidy Scene
    2. Leg Control – fast reverse foot setup
    3. Isolation of Movement
      1. History
      2. Head
    4. FK/IK Arms
      1. Maya’s fk/ik toggle
      2. jsFkIKSetup – a better solution
    5. Misc Speed Techniques – What’s fastest?
      1. Direct Connections
      2. Expressions
      3. Point Constraint
      4. Drive from same source
      5. Math Nodes
    6. Other Speed Techniques
      1. Object visibility
      2. Shaded Mode
      3. Nurbs vs Polys
      4. Keeping track of FPS
  2. Pipeline Methodology
    1. File Structure
      1. Base Directory
      2. Revision System
      3. Resolution System
      4. Updating
    2. Incremental Rigging – Blocking, Animating, Finessing
      1. Switching Between Rigs
      2. File Referencing
      3. Transferring Animation
  3. Fast Animation Technique
    1. Gather Information
    2. Thumbnail
    3. Staging
    4. Blocking
    5. First pass
    6. Second pass
    7. Third Pass
    8. Facial
    9. Secondary/External
  4. Included Mel Scripts
    1. jsAddBoolAttr.mel
    2. jsAddMessageAttr.mel
    3. jsAddStringAttr.mel
    4. jsAlignToJoint.mel
    5. jsChooseItem.mel
    6. jsCopyAnim.mel
    7. jsCopyPos.mel
    8. jsCopyRot.mel
    9. jsDuplicateControl.mel
    10. jsErrorMsg.mel
    11. jsFindChildJoint.mel
    12. jsFindConnected.mel
    13. jsFindFkIkChars.mel
    14. jsFixPrefix.mel
    15. jsFkIkArmRig.mel
    16. jsFkIkSetup.mel
    17. jsFkIkSetupEverything.mel
    18. jsFkIkWin.mel
    19. jsGetRefFile.mel
    20. jsMakeFkIkConnections.mel
    21. jsreferenceRig.mel
    22. jsReferenceRigUI.mel
    23. jsRigUI.mel
    24. jsToggleFkIk.mel
    25. moveIkToFk.mel

5 Responses

  1. sunny says:

    hey that is my fav. dvd. I started with this stuff back in my college days. Its great resouce for rigging.

    Jason we expect more stuff from u after this and AFR.

  2. jason says:

    haha ๐Ÿ™‚ probably not in the rigging realm.. I’ve been animating exclusively now for quite a while, and actually spending most of my time supervising and managing animation.. so my rigging tricks are all old hat by now. ๐Ÿ™‚

    maybe in the future I’ll do an animation dvd..

  3. โ€œRigging Bundle – Outline | shhLIFE!โ€ actually got myself addicted on ur web site!
    I actuallywill probably wind up being back alot more normally.
    With thanks ,Nick

  4. Jim Dunford says:


    Can you still get hold of these dvd’s?



  5. goutham says:

    i’m goutham
    if u don’t mind
    can u plz tell me
    script how to download jsScaleJointsByCurve.mel script
    plz tell me

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