C.O.R.E. Digital Shut Down This Afternoon | Cartoon Brew: Leading the Animation Conversation

C.O.R.E. Digital Shut Down This Afternoon | Cartoon Brew: Leading the Animation Conversation.

Ugh, another studio shutting down.. just a few days after IMD closes it’s doors.

I just wanted to send out my heartfelt well wishes to those affected by the closure of both studios.. looks like it’s about 600 artists out of work (450 at IMD, and 150 at C.O.R.E.)

if you know anyone at either studio, please send them a hug & best wishes.. It’s a very small industry, and the closure of any studio, let alone two big ones that had works in development is never a good thing. 🙁


3 Responses

  1. Feel sorry for them. It looks like the bad season just going on for the artists. Best wishes to all of them.

  2. Dan says:

    Sad news. Good luck to everyone!

  3. David Diaz says:

    I worked at CORE for about 8 months last year. Yesterday I get an email from my buddy that he got back from lunch to find himself out of a job. The suddenness of it really sucks for everyone. And on top of losing jobs, it looks like no one will be able to get their work for the demos either. I was still waiting for my work on Cats & Dogs 2. Hopefully something can be done about that. This closure will definitely hurt the industry here in Toronto. There was some great talent there so hopefully everyone can land on their feet soon.

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