js_greasePencil uploaded

Heya folks!

A lot of people have asked me over the years where they can find the js_greasePencil script for Maya that I wrote a while ago.

This is a handy script that lets you draw on top of your Maya scene. You can use it for thumbnails, roughing out timing, drawing arcs, etc. It’s pretty basic, but handy to have!

Anyway, I’ve added the script to the downloads page.  If you’re logged in, you can download it here:

[download id=”7″]



21 Responses

  1. sketchseven says:

    Excellent stuff – always find it a bit tricky using acetate to draw on top of stuff on my LCD monitor.

  2. jason says:

    glad you’re enjoying it! 🙂

    • jerry says:

      Hi there Jason, Jerome here checking in from London. Sorry to trouble you but I was wondering where I could find your awesome js grease pencil tool. I’ve logged in and everything but I still can’t seem to download the script. I’m a student at Am and have it on my AM shelf but not at work…I’m missing it! Thank you for any help. Have a good day. Cheerio. Jerome

  3. I am a big fan of GreasePencil. Thank You!
    Since it was offline for sometime now, I had to email it to friends whom I suggested trying it out. Now I can point them to the man who wrote it 😉

  4. Beder says:

    Hi Jason
    Thank you for this awesome AFR.
    I have three questions:
    — Can you give us or guide us to study shows us the importance,the fact that many of the Animator rarely use FK and rely on IK ? Frankly, I did not know its importance?
    — On the assumption that I used IK/FK all together or one of them?Well ,How Can I choose between them for skinning the arm for example?
    — I wish you to clarify an important point is how can we choose from that a lot of joints for the purpose of skinning the Character?

    • jason says:

      Heya beder!

      The AFR dvd doesn’t get into skinning because the technology there is changing so much, and i haven’t found anything yet that is super consistent between studios. Most places have their own muscle/skinning system.

  5. ethan says:

    Just an FYI, the Read me file didn’t have an extension. I added “.txt” to the end of it, and it worked fine after that.

    And I’m going to throw in a comment to Beder. I use FK all the time. I do switch between FK and IK a lot. It depends on what’s needed in the shot.

    • jason says:

      Thanks ethan! 🙂

      yeah, I use FK all the time as well.. totally depends on the shot, and what’s happening at that specific moment in the shot.

  6. Don says:

    Hello, I was trying to download the GreasePencil script but it says i had to be logged in.

    How do I log-in so I can download the script.

  7. chris_havreberg says:

    Hi Jason, is this still available? I created a wordpress account and logged in, but the link is just showing up as ‘[download id=”7″]’


  8. Rebecca says:

    Hi Jason,

    I was curious if the greasepencil script runs on MacOS as well?

  9. source says:

    How can I download the script? I haven’t find it in the forum? thank’s!

  10. Theo says:

    Hello ,
    I would like ,for my animations to work with Grease pencil,on Maya 2010 64 bits is there a possibility ? thank you very much

  11. Theo says:

    I would like to use Grease pencil thank you

  12. […] DRAWING GreasePencil (Maya): Dibuja directamente en Maya. Blue Pencil (Maya): Permite dibujar para crear thumbnails, […]

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