Animator Friendly Rigging

Heya folks!

As I mentioned earlier, the Animator Friendly Rigging instructional series will no longer be available through Autodesk. ย It’s been a great run with Autodesk, and they have done a wonderful job selling the series. ย However, they decided that they will no longer be selling the DVD online.

I have received such great feedback on the material, that I decided to keep selling it through ย So over the next week I’ll be making sure all the material is available online, and as a special bonus I’m going to be dropping the price for a little while!

I’ve posted the first dvd on already, and will get the rest up ASAP.

If you go to the AFR – part 1 page, you can find a PDF and video excerpt to show you an example of what it is you will receive when you purchase the material.

I look forward to getting all the material up and available for people to see!

Thanks for all the kind words and support!


10 Responses

  1. Thx Jason,
    looking forward if u do Animator Friendly “Facial Rigging” Dvds Series to.

  2. Jim says:

    Sounds great, looking forward to it! I never got around to picking up part 4, so I’ll be on the look out. Added bonus that the money goes straight to you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. jason says:

    Haha! I’d love to do one, but I haven’t had much time to focus on rigging lately.. after MegaMind, I maaaaaayyy think about doing some material on animation..

  4. Raveen says:

    Awesome! I’ve wanted to get the AFR series for a while now, though it cost too much with shipping when Autodesk was selling it. Downloading it will be awesome!

    I was wondering, would you happen to be selling the AFR series as a bundle in the future? Like you did with the other rigging bundle you have on Lulu?

    Another silly question (forgive me.. :p) What size are the downloads for each Part on Lulu? it doesn’t mention the size.

    Thanks again Jason, your training has always been awesome! ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. jason says:

    Hiya Raveen!

    That’s a good idea to have a deal if people are purchasing the whole thing at once.. is that something that everyone would like? Or are people interested in purchasing them just one at a time? Let me know your thoughts!

    Also, I’ll add the download sizes to the pages to let people know how big they are. Great idea!

  6. Raveen says:

    Hey Jason!

    I would prefer to buy the whole bundle compared to each individual piece. Since I don’t own any of them yet. Getting the whole thing together would be awesome. Like your rigging bundle (which was by the way, one of my best purchases! :D)

    Though, it would probably be good to put them up individually too. For those who had purchased them before but missed out on certain parts. :/

    And thanks for adding the download sizes. Something I always check on due to my crappy internet connection!

  7. matt says:

    Hi there!
    So I went on Lulu and bought the AFR part 1 ๐Ÿ™‚
    There were three files to download:

    But for some reason, I am not able to download . Has this happened to anybody else? Am I missing something ?

    thank you and sorry for the disturb!


  8. jason says:

    Weird, what happens when you try and download it? Are you able to download the other bits?

    Funny that it’s called ARF instead of AFR.. i’ll check into that. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Update: I looked at all the files and it should be kosher. .are you still having trouble downloading it? has anyone else had any trouble?

  9. matt says:

    Downloaded it!
    Here’s what I was doing wrong, in case anybody else is as much of a n00b as I am.

    AFR_Part_1.pdf and are downloaded just by clicking on the file name, while to download ARF_01 you need to “save target as”.:)

    Sorry again for the bother.

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