Grease Pencil example movie published

A number of people have said how much they enjoy the js_greasePencil script I wrote a while ago, but they’ve been having trouble downloading the movie that shows how it works.

So I uploaded the movie to youtube and put it on the downloads page.  You can also see it here:

Some day I’d like to re-write greasePencil so it’s actually got good drawing tools and isn’t such a hack.. but I probably won’t get around to it for a while.  Of course, if Autodesk wrote it appropriately for integration with Maya, that would be AWESOME, too. 🙂


10 Responses

  1. Bruno says:

    thanks jason for the video. Great tool.

  2. jason says:

    thanks bruno!

  3. Jason. I just downloaded Version 4, and it loads just fine, but the icons don’t show up on the UI! I get the Poor-Man’s Grease pencil UI all grey…

  4. David A says:

    Can we change the color of the lines? I love this tool but it comes out black, and I’d love for it to be a bright green or something, since I use it as a draw over for my characters for fixes and such 🙂

    • jason says:

      you could change the color.. but then you might accidentally select the lines. 🙂 Right now the lines aren’t pickable because they’re in reference mode.. if anyone knows of another way to do it so you can’t select them & you can color them, i’d love to hear it!


  5. Ross says:

    Hi Jason, id love to try out the grease pencil tool, but i cant find the link to download it anywhere, when ever i try the forums i see your message about it but now link, could you help?



  6. Ron says:

    I released an updated version called ChinaMarker available on When I originally put it up, I tried contacting Jason but never heard back. Then I saw a post where he derided me for stealing his script. If you look at it, it gives Jason full credit. But it does improve the stability of the script and adds color options. Maybe he’d like to start a conversation with me about it…

    • jason says:

      I’d love to see that post, ron! I don’t often deride people, so either I was in a rough state at the moment I saw the script, or there was something else that caused me to react that way. I’ve tried searching for it, but haven’t found it..

      Anyway, if you tried to contact me, do you know what email address you used? I searched through my mail and can’t find anything there regarding chinamarker.


    • Savion says:

      This is just the peferct answer for all of us

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