So like I mentioned before.. I’m really trying to get in shape this time, and so far I’m keeping to my schedule! I’ve worked out 7 days out of the past 8 (took saturday off to go to two birthday parties, and almost make it to the dreamworks holiday party). So far I’ve lost uh.. […]
<br /> <img src=”″ mce_src=”″ alt=”” /><br /> One of the things I’m working on in my position as Head of Character Animation is learning how to straddle the roles of being a “Coach” and a “Player”. You see, as an animator, my role was to be the best animator I possibly could be. […]
So ever since I had two kids and got this new gig I haven’t had much time for exercise.. and it’s definitely starting to catch up with me. After the thanksgiving weekend I checked out my weight.. ack! 199! Very scary. I’m not used to being this heavy, and I don’t want to be.. so […]
This is crazy.. it may be something that only animators & riggers get, but check out this crazy chicken-head-ik action. I never knew that chickens worked this way.. I wonder if other birds do the same thing?? Check this out if you own a chicken! See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
Holy wow… I knew the iPhone was pretty darn cool, but this application is absolutely amazing. It is an ocarina foe the iPhone! What is an ocarina you ask? It’s kind of like a flute.. But it is so damn cool… Just downloaded it and I am blown away! You just gotta try it yourself!
This past weekend we released Madagascar 2 to much fanfare! It is very exciting.. I supervised a few of the sequences in the movie. A very fun but challenging task. I think the first movie was a lot of fun, but I feel that this one is way better.. The look is stunning and the […]
One of the things I have been working a lot on lately is learning how to get my actions to lead to my indended results. If this sounds confusing, I’m not suprised.. It’s a bit hard to explain. But I’d like to try, so here goes: Have you ever been in a situation where you […]
So there’s this new commenting system we’re using called I’m hoping that it’ll let me forgo the need for a true forum.. I’ve been having trouble keeping it up to date, as i just don’t have the time to really devote myself to a forum, but I do want people to be able to […]