Author: jason

Made it to siggtaph last night just in time to get to the amazing Dreamworks party… It was good fun getting to see people I normally only see over video confrence, and meet a bunch of new people as well. This year they’ve put some of us at Leo decaprio’s hotel The Standard. Very nice […]
This is a test of writing on my new blog with my iPhone!
With the new update to wordpress 2.5, I’m thinking that instead of going to drupal (my previous plan), I might just stick with wordpress and bbpress for the forums. Of course, bbpress will have to release the newest version (0.9) so it’s compatible with the current version of wordpress.. but hopefully they’ll do that soon […]
  Went to the animation department bbq this weekend.. and aurora got.. well.. filthy. 🙂  
So Jazz sent me to this site..  Basically it’s a  great site that allows average people like you and me to give small loans to people who are in need of money to create a business.  They go for the idea that a large number of people can give small amounts of money that […]
So today at lunch I had to run off to go get my car smog-checked.. as you do.. and I quickly went to grab lunch at the local chinese place.  I just wanted to sit and eat in peace, but when I went in all the tables except one were taken. The hostess looked at […]
This is going to be where the new shhLIFE website is located. At this point, I’m just working on the integration between the forum and the blog. Right now, the templates are similar, but not the same.. that’ll change as I have time to work on the site more. I also haven’t copied over all […]
js_attrDragger.mel Just added it! enjoy!
yeah, she’s a friggin cuuuutie!
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