Author: jason

looks like I hadn’t enabled reCAPTCHA propery in the community area so people couldn’t log on and leave messages!  D’oh! No WONDER it was so quiet! 🙂 Anyway, I’ve fixed the problem and you should now be able to sign up and chat away! woo! -jason
The past two posts have looked at techniques I use to animate as efficiently as possible. They are common tools for time management, and can really be used for any endeavor. I definitely find them useful for managing my stress level and allowing me to crank out more footage. But you’ll notice that the title […]
In my previous post I talked a little about the challenge we all face when trying to decide whether to spend our energy on quantity of animation or quality.  The conventional wisdom says that you can’t have both.  Given a set time period, you can either get a few shots great, or a great number […]
I was sitting with some of the other animators at lunch the other day and the topic of “speed” came up.  Not the drug, but the eternal challenge animators face between “quality” and “quantity”. Most artists feel that it’s a see-saw.. we all want quality, which means it’s going to take time.  If you want […]
If you’ve been watching the site at all this weekend, you’ll notice a few things moving around and some new images coming up. I’m really hoping that the community forum becomes a great hub for people to discuss the Animator Friendly Rigging series.  If you’ve bought the dvds, please come chat about your experience using […]
I’ve added a post on how to fix the -labelAlign warning that some people have been getting with a few of the scripts in Maya 2011. Check it out.. Label Align bug fix..
Howdy kids! Happy saturday! I’ve upgraded the forum to now be using Vanilla Forums which I really like.. it’s fast, easy to use, and seems to suit my purposes quite nicely! sweet. I’ve also been working behind the scenes a bit to simplify the site. You will be seeing some changes over the next few […]
Heya folks! I think I’ll have a little time this week to update some stuff after work, and was thinking that it might be useful to update the Animator Friendly Rigging shelf. My thought is that I would combine all four AFR shelves into one.. including all icons (in png format). The trick is.. it […]
Howdy folks! I’ve added a forum to the site in order to foster better communication between all the amazingly wonderful people who have purchased and/or used the Animator Friendly Rigging tools. I get a number of emails and questions about various tips, techniques, etc.. and I realized that there are probably lots of people interested […]
One of the things that people have asked me about over the years is why are there two different versions of the shelves in the Animator Friendly Rigging series.  There’s an OSX version and a PC version.  They also ask about whether or not there is a linux version. The only version of Maya I […]
Purchase AFR
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