Author: jason

I received an email yesterday from a person who purchased the Animator Friendly Rigging series and found that two mel scripts were missing: js_matchObj.mel and js_matchObjUI.mel. I’ve heard of others missing these as well, so I added them to the downloads page, along with js_iterator.mel. If you’re missing them.. enjoy! note: you must be logged […]
Happy new years!! Hope it’s a great and relaxing one for you!
One of the things I’ve learned over the years is that it’s important to share your ideas as much as possible.  That’s how innovation happens.  It’s how things progress.  It’s how we learn.  I’ve never been afraid to put my own ideas out there because I know I’ll get back more in return. As soon […]
Autodesk® Maya® Techniques | Animator Friendly Rigging Part 1 Product Information – Autodesk, Inc. Online Store.
Speaking of Animation. A few animators from Dreamworks have started their own animation blog and so far it looks pretty cool!  Go check it out! Woo! 🙂
A number of people have asked what specifially is covered in my two DVDs – Integrating a Creature Rig Withing a Production Pipeline and Fast Animation Rigs, so here ya go! Integrating a Creature Rig Into a Production Pipeline Definition of a “Pipeline” Examples: Film, Modeling, Shot Determining how animation rig itself fits into the […]
Heya folks! Just found out that I’ve got some google wave invites available.. please comment here if you want one! First Come First Serve! Update: 0 invites left!  All gone!
Jeffrey Katzenberg Plans on Living Happily Ever After | Fast Company. This is a nice interview with JK, our main head honcho at Dreamworks Animation. The first time I ever spoke to Jeffrey was when I was applying for a job at Dreamworks.  I was actually still living in New Zealand finishing up on The […]
Testing Time-Management Strategies – As most of you know, I’ve been spending the past year or so working on time management techniques, trying to figure out ways to keep creative, but still get work done quickly and efficiently. In my new role, I find that I spend quite a bit of time juggling meetings, […]
Now on to part III of my series on using OOCalc to track your Magic The Gathering card collection.  If you’ve missed parts 1 and 2, you may want to check them out, since part 3 builds upon those two bits. Seriously, go read them.  You’ll be missing out on some pretty neato spreadsheet magic. […]
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