Category: Animation

Heya folks!   Sorry it’s been so long since any updates and posts on my site! As most of you know, I’ve been very busy for the past three years as Head of Character Animation on Dreamwork’s  Megamind . It was quite an exciting and amazing journey, but VERY very very busy! Once the movie […]
холна секция The Art of Megamind Originally uploaded by Parka81 Now that I’m done with megamind (woo!) I get to wait patiently for the world to be able to see it! It’s really exciting to start to see posters, commercials, etc. I can’t wait for the reviews to start coming in! One of the other […]
Heya folks! Sorry for the lack of updates lately! We’re in the final few weeks of finishing up animation on Megamind, and I’m a bit busy at the moment. 🙂 I’ll get back on track with updates and stuff after we wrap! Woo! 🙂
Plastic Animation Paper – PAP:Pro 4.0 for free. Woah!  plastic animation paper for free! sweeeeeeeeeeet!
Comic Con Panel – Megamind with Will Ferrell. There was a megamind panel at comicon this morning at 10, and the buzz is coming back that it was a lot of fun!  They showed 5 minutes of the movie, which has shots from all through the film.. Everything should be on Yahoo movies tomorrow, so […]
You know I love Animation Mentor.  Not only is it one of the best places to learn character animation in the world, but the founders and the staff are such awesome human beings that they infuse the entire Animation Mentor experience with pure, unfiltered, pure awesome.  Seriously.. you just mention “Animation Mentor” to someone and […]
I’m super jazzed about what the awesome people at Rigging Dojo are doing to help people interested in character rigging learn more about the craft.  They’re all fantastic teachers, excellent riggers, and just darn-right awesome human beings.  I’m really excited to be able to offer a 10% discount on the Animator Friendly Rigging DVD series […]
I’ve stuck pretty rigidly to my GTD plan these past two weeks and I can really feel a difference in my stress level and my ability to feel like I’m on top of everything on my plate. I’ve modified my toodledo system a tiny bit.  Previously I mentioned that I had 4 folders set up […]
One of the things that I’ve always said is that the techniques I discuss in Animator Friendly Rigging can be used in almost any package. The main idea is that even though the tutorials come with all sorts of mel scripts and files and explicit instructions for Maya, what people should take away are the […]
I’m such a dork. This past week I’ve been doing my darndest to try and maintain a zero-sized inbox, both at home and at work.  This is an incredibly daunting task.  As work I receive a TON of email every day.  And by a ton, I mean a metric buttload of email. One quick example.. […]
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