Today Dreamworks released the trailer for our new film How to Train Your Dragon. I’ve been trying to stay away from watching too many shots and sequences from this film because everyone working on it is really enjoying it and I want to be surprised when I see the final piece. That being said.. the […]
As our production has begun, I’ve been talking to our animators about my goals in running the animation department for the show. It’s been an interesting process, one in which I’ve learned a lot about myself, my values, and how I feel our department can be most sucessful. I’m not going to get into specific […]
This past weekend my wife spent some time working on the blog for her business. She runs an interior design company – Penelope Jones Interior Design – and is quite amazing, I must say. Her sense of color, texture, form, and light blows me away. I love watching her step into a room, look around, […]
People have been asking, and I’ve finally gotten around to providing both my Fast Animation Rigs DVD and Integrating a Creature Rig within a Production Pipeline DVD as downloadable from You can access them and other items in the store. I’m often asked if these titles are still relevant in the industry today, and […]
After all this time of trying various task managers, it feels like I’m starting to settle on one. Believe it or not, it’s one of the tools I started out trying and discarding for various reasons, but after much hunting and pecking and trying and pulling and reading and writing.. I’m about *this* close to […]
Now that I’ve done a week of using GTDAgenda, I thought it would be good to try another web-based todo list and compare my experiences. This week I’m using the AJAX-based todoist. Right off the bat I am definitely liking the ability to quickly add tasks using the simple “a” hotkey. You can also […]
And so begins day 3 of GTDAgenda testing. Since I’m an animator at heart (even though I do more managing and meetings now), I decided to try adding tasks to make notes of each fix I wanted to do on a shot I’m currently working on. I created a project specifically for this shot, and […]
After 2 days of using the online task management/productivity application GTDAgenda, I’m starting to get into a groove with the software and find my flow. I’ve still got a few issues that pop up here and there, but I’m getting a better hang of managing my todo lists, and displaying them in a way that […]
In my quest to find the “perfect” GTD system for my use, I’ve decided to actually try a few todo systems for a week at a time until I find the one that I like the best. I’ve got a rather complicated workflow that I need to support. Some things I’ve come up with as […]
I thought it might be fun to explore another example of using contexts for those of you who’ve never used them or seen a benefit from them. This is from my example of my “Fixing the bathroom” project in my previous post. One of the tasks was to “restock the bathroom with supplies”. So in […]