Featured Alumni Adam Strick — AnimationMentor.com – The Online Animation School®. I always love it when an Animation Mentor student does well.. and I love it even more when they land a gig at Dreamworks Animation! 🙂
Originally Posted: Monday, 12 June 2006 We’re making the most rediculous video of all time.. it’ll either be great, or.. well.. stupid. Edit: I finished shooting the video & editing it together. It’s available on youtube.. and if you purchased the Animator Friendly Rigging DVD series, you’ve seen it. 🙂 Enjoy! httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvHG0OkCWJ4
Orignally posted: Monday, 16 October 2006 Ah, I love it when articles come out touting the awesomeness of new technology and get the facts so wonky that it makes it seem like anything would be possible, if it weren’t for those darn pesky artists! The New York Times has a new article about Image Metrics, […]
Originally Posted: Monday, 28 May 2007 So this weekend my lovely wife, gorgeous baby girl, and my homely self headed over to Florida so I could speak at the Digital Media Arts College 2007 graduation, and receive an honorary doctorate of animation. It was a really great time.. the college put us up in this […]
Originally posted: Saturday, 24 November 2007 A lot has been posted over the past few weeks about Beowulf and whether or not it should be considered “animation”. I do know a few incredibly talented individuals who worked on it, and am sure they poured their hearts and souls into the film, delivering whatever was asked […]
Howdy folks! So I had some pretty strict commenting regulations when I started this new blog to try and reduce the amount of spam.. but I noticed that I haven’t been getting many comments at all. So I’m easing up the restrictions a bit in the hopes that it’ll mean more people will comment. If […]
One of the things I get asked about quite often from new animators is “how do you come up with good acting ideas”. My answer, of course, is “you think my acting ideas are good? aww, shucks!” Actually, coming up with ideas is one of my favorite parts of the animation process. It’s something I […]
Hey folks! a number have people have suggested that I repost something I wrote way back in november of 2005.. so here it is.. The fear of moving past blocking.. November 16th, 2005 The more you know, the more fear you have. Seems to be a rule true of many things.. tree climbing for example. […]
This is very cool.. Something that’s been kinda buggin me about my iphone camera is that it just doesn’t always take the best photos. I mean, they’re great photos.. and it’s a “nice” camera.. but sometimes you just need a better lense, you know? Well, check this out.. Lenses for your iphone! Cool! Magnetic zoom […]
Thundercats Movie trailer (fanmade) I’m really impressed with this fake fan made trailer for one of my fav childhood animated tv shows Thundercats. What was really impressive is that he did all the effects in Photoshop frame by frame. Nice stuff!