Tag: AnimationMentor.com

Originally posted: Wednesday, 12 December 2007 Some of you may remember a website called 10 second club which has been around for a few years as a great testing-ground for animators. The concept was brilliant.. every month post a sound file and then let animators try and do their best to come up with the […]
Holy wow, I didn’t even realize I was the featured mentor this month at AnimationMentor.com! I’m not sure how long the page will stay up with me on it, so I’ll quote the interview here: Who is your favorite character that you’ve animated and why? Most definitely Julian the Lemur King from Madagascar ( and […]
Featured Alumni Adam Strick — AnimationMentor.com – The Online Animation School®. I always love it when an Animation Mentor student does well.. and I love it even more when they land a gig at Dreamworks Animation! 🙂
Friends with an animator?  Married to one?  Want to be an animator?  Confused about what to get yourself or your loved ones for the holidays? AnimationMentor.Com (one of the best animation schools in the world by far) has a great list of products available for your loved ones! Normally I wouldn’t be all “oh!  you […]
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