And so begins day 3 of GTDAgenda testing. Since I’m an animator at heart (even though I do more managing and meetings now), I decided to try adding tasks to make notes of each fix I wanted to do on a shot I’m currently working on. I created a project specifically for this shot, and […]
After 2 days of using the online task management/productivity application GTDAgenda, I’m starting to get into a groove with the software and find my flow. I’ve still got a few issues that pop up here and there, but I’m getting a better hang of managing my todo lists, and displaying them in a way that […]
In my quest to find the “perfect” GTD system for my use, I’ve decided to actually try a few todo systems for a week at a time until I find the one that I like the best. I’ve got a rather complicated workflow that I need to support. Some things I’ve come up with as […]