I’ve stuck pretty rigidly to my GTD plan these past two weeks and I can really feel a difference in my stress level and my ability to feel like I’m on top of everything on my plate. I’ve modified my toodledo system a tiny bit. Previously I mentioned that I had 4 folders set up […]
I know I’ve been talking a lot about toodledo as my current task manager of choice, but there are a number of options out there for people that would work pretty well for what I’ve been harping on so far. In fact, almost any type of “list” system will work just fine. The only reason […]
In a previous post I started going through my new process for handling tasks that allows me to be email inbox zero. If you can remember, I funnel everything that I have to do (or need to follow up on) to my toodledo inbox, whether it’s from email, snail mail, meetings, etc. In toodledo I […]
In my previous post I discusses the inbox zero side of my current gtd setup.. Basically processing all my email down to zero. The trick here is not that I’m completing everything in my email, it’s that I’m cleansing and moving it to a single trusted place. That means that no matter what, I have […]
After all this time of trying various task managers, it feels like I’m starting to settle on one. Believe it or not, it’s one of the tools I started out trying and discarding for various reasons, but after much hunting and pecking and trying and pulling and reading and writing.. I’m about *this* close to […]