189 pounds!

Oh the struggle to be bone thin
Finally under 190!!

I have been working out pretty much daily since I found out I was within a pound of hitting 200 pounds.. Yikes!

Well after nearly 2 months of cardio and weights I have hit 189!

Woo! Now to hit 180!


4 Responses

  1. Brian Nicolucci says:

    So easy to pack on the pounds over winter, what with all the hibernating and pic-a-nic baskets, so HUGE congrats!

  2. Olivier L. says:

    hehe I was wondering if you were still keeping up with the daily training 😉 I usually recommend people to only train 2 or 3 times a week especially around the Christmas season

  3. jason says:

    yeah, it’s been tough when I’m not at work.. but I make sure to do it before I start each day. makes it much easier!

  4. davidbernal says:

    Huge kongrats Jason!!
    and funny photo!

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