Got to meet up with a talented friend from childhood who’s an amazing musician!

This past weekend was my 37th birthday and as part of celebrating I got a chance to re-connect with one of my childhood best friends, Alex Wong.  I haven’t seen Alex since we were kids, but have kept in touch periodically here and there over the years.  Back when I was working on The Lord of the Rings we briefly touched base over email and I found out he was in a band called The Animators.

I purchased their cd also got one of my favorite t-shirts of all time:


Anyway, it was wonderful seeing Alex again and catching up.  He also gave me one of his new cds for a band he’s in called The Paper Raincoat.  I love the music and the design of the cd packaging is brilliant.  Please go check it out!  You can read a review of the band here:

Paper Raincoat at Joe’s Pub | Random Musings.

I’m posting this for a couple of reasons.. first, because I’m really proud of Alex and what he’s accomplished & what an amazing person he’s turned out to be.  Second, I think that he’s a great inspiration for people to really go out there and chase their dreams.  It makes my heart glow when I see someone doing something they love really really well.

Anyway, enough blathering on.. go check out the music!  🙂



4 Responses

  1. Lianne says:

    Hi Jason, I’m a longtime follower of your blog and wanted to say “Thanks!” for all the inspiration, and now, “Thanks!” for the music recommendation. I checked out your friend’s music, and I am in love with it! I’ll have to pick up The Paper Raincoat album.

    It’s great when the people you love are doing well. Happy Belated Birthday! Cheers!

  2. JohnDevine says:

    I am new to your blog. I have been working my way through the AFR series. I am running the 64bit version of Maya 2010 and I have been running into problems loading the shelf and using some of the scripts in Tutorial AFR3A.
    If you have time I would appreciate any help you could give. I already did the corrections that allow it to load but it is only a partial load.
    Anyway thanks.


  3. Raveen says:

    Awesome! Their album cover art is really cool too!

  4. nina says:

    Wow! I can’t believe you know Alex Wong! I saw him perform with Vienna Teng (who you should also check out if you haven’t heard her stuff) in Raleigh. Super talented bunch of musicians! Small world…

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